Adiscon’s MonitorWare line of products includes best of breed solutions for a wide range of monitoring tasks. They come in different flavors to permit you to find the perfect match!

The Windows counterpart of what rsyslog is for Linux: a highly capable syslog server. Running natively on Windows. Optimized for Windows. Fast. Proven in practice. Never consolidate logs on Windows without it.

The original and still best tool to integrate all kinds of Windows Event logs into heterogeneous monitoring systems. Very light footprint on the monitored system. Fast forwarding to a variety of destination. Local pre-filtering prevents wasting resources on spam events.

MonitorWare Agent
Think of it as a combination of WinSyslog and EventReporter – plus a lot more. Provides an enormous set of inputs and outputs. Even exotic ones. Like writing to COM ports. If MonitorWare Agent cannot do it, nothing can do it!

rsyslog Windows Agent
Companion app to rsyslog. A bit like EventReporter, but tailored to the needs of rsyslog users. You want this if you want to transfer Windows Event Logs to rsyslog on the server side.