Product Comparison

MonitorWare line of products is a comprehensive suite of network monitoring tools. The involves monitoring event log, text files, database, serial port, remote text files, servers, ports, NT service, disk space, monitoring servers and routers and many more.

1. MonitorWare Agent:
It is the solution for those that are interested in centralizing their monitoring needs. In a single program, it provides all capabilities of WinSyslog and EventReporter plus many more.

2. EventReporter:
It is meant for those mainly interested in forwarding Windows Event Log data.

3. WinSyslog:
It is primarily targeted to those that are looking for a rock-solid Windows syslog server. It receives messages from all Syslog enabled devices like routers and printers.

4. RSyslog Windows Agent:
Rsyslog Windows Agent is a syslog provider. This means it can gather log messages from various sources (Eventlog, syslog or text files) and forward them to a central rsyslog server.

Feature sheet helps you to get an idea of products capabilities related to network monitoring.




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* Enterprise edition only

** Professional edition only

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