
rsyslog 8.8.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.8.0. This is primarily a bug-fixing release, which also includes a number of new features focussed on practical issues and improvements in problem diagnostics. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Tim Eifler

WinSyslog 13.0 Released

Release Date: 2015-02-17 Build-IDs: Service 13.0.531, Client  Features Faster core engine New Configuration Client running on Microsoft .Net Framework. If wanted, the old client application can be installed manually as “WinSyslog Legacy Client”. The Application can be switched from registry to file based configuration support. Requires usage of the new configuration client. New System […]

EventReporter 14.0 Released

Grossrinderfeld, 2015-02-17 Adiscon is proud to announce the 14.0 release of EventReporter. This new major release adds full support for Windows 2012 R2 and also has been verified to work on Windows 10 preview versions. The new major version is a milestone in many ways. Most important the performance of the core engine has been […]

RSyslog Windows Agent 3.0 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 3.0 release of RSyslog Windows Agent. This new major release adds full support for Windows 2012 R2 and also has been verified to work on Windows 10 preview versions. The new major version is a milestone in many ways. Most important the performance of the core engine has been […]

EventReporter 14.0 Released

Release Date: 2015-02-17 Build-IDs: Service 14.0.381, Client  Features Faster core engine New Configuration Client running on Microsoft .Net Framework. If wanted, the old client application can be installed manually as “EventReporter Legacy Client”. The Application can be switched from registry to file based configuration support. Requires usage of the new configuration client. EventLog Monitor […]

WinSyslog 13.0 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 13.0 release of WinSyslog. This new major release adds full support for Windows 2012 R2 and also has been verified to work on Windows 10 preview versions. The new major version is a milestone in many ways. Most important the performance of the core engine has been considerably increased. […]

MonitorWare Agent 10.0 Released

Build-IDs: Service 10.0.444, Client 10.0.1522 Features Faster core engine New Configuration Client running on Microsoft .Net Framework. If wanted, the old client application can be installed manually as “MonitorWare Legacy Client”. The Agent can be switched from registry to file based configuration support. Requires usage of the new configuration client. EventLog Monitor Classic(V1): Support for […]

rsyslog daily builds and tarballs

The past days, we have worked on making rsyslog daily builds and tarballs a reality. We hope this will enable users to rapidly deploy the latest features as well as make it easier to help with testing the current development system. Daily builds are what the scheduled v8-devel builds were under the previous release paradigm. […]

rsyslog -devel packages are being removed soon

If you use rsyslog’s devel packages on your system, you will receive errors soon. Be sure to read the complete posting to avoid trouble! As part of rsyslog’s new release schedule and version naming, devel releases will no longer be named according to the “normal” numbering scheme. This also means that the previous “devel” branches […]

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