
EventReporter 14.3 Released

Build-IDs: Service 14.3.395, Client 14.3.484  Features OpenSSL library updated to 1.0.2h. Adiscon SNMP Mib: Changed DisplayString limit from 255 characters to 65536. Now, strings above 255 characters can be send using the adiscon mibs.    Bugfixes Configuration client: Send Syslog Action: Fixed an issue with the “Disable processing, forward as it is” Option. RawSyslogMsg property […]

WinSyslog 13.3 Final (Build Service 13.3.546/Client 13.3.585)

Release Date: 2016-09-19 Build-IDs: Service 13.3.546, Client 13.3.585  Features OpenSSL library updated to 1.0.2h. Adiscon SNMP Mib: Changed DisplayString limit from 255 characters to 65536. Now, strings above 255 characters can be send using the adiscon mibs. Permitted Senders: If enabled, these senders cannot be deleted during runtime and have to be configured. Otherwise localhost […]

WinSyslog 13.3 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 13.3 release of WinSyslog. This is a bugfixing release with minor feature update. Most importantly, the Syslog server now provides basic access control via “ permitted sender list”, which restricts the senders to a set of pre-specified ones. Also Adiscon SNMP MIB now supports messages sizes up to 64k […]

rsyslog error reporting improved

Rsyslog provides many up-to-the point error messages for config file and operational problems. These immensly helps when troubleshooting issues. Unfortunately, many users never see them. The prime reason is that most distros do never log syslog.* messages and so they are just throw away and invisible to the user. While we have been trying to […]

rsyslog 8.21.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.21.0. This release is mostly for maintenance. There was a big change to how internal messages are handled. These are no longer logged via the internal bridge, but via the syslog() API call. For regular users, this should make not too much difference. Additionaly, the TLS syslog error messages have been […]

rsyslog 8.20.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.20.0. This release brings a few new additions and requirements. Omrelp now has a configurable connection timeout and pmrfc3164 has a new option to allow slashes in the hostname. Apart from that, there is quite a set of bugfixes. Please note, to use rsyslog 8.20.0 it is required to update librelp […]

libfastjson 0.99.3 released

We have released libfastjson 0.99.3. This is a new fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing. The changes are mostly for cleanup purposes. Also some bug have been fixed, like a potential segfault issue, “make distcheck” not working and more. Changelog: 0.99.3 2016-07-11 – new dependency: autoconf-archive – exit() is no […]

Performance Tests and Results

Determining the overall performance of a tool is not an easy task. Adiscon sometimes gets asked what the actual performance values for products like WinSyslog and MonitorWare Agent are, especially the processing rate of received syslog messages. This cannot be answered easily, because there are a lot of factors to be considered. Here are the […]

EventReporter 14.1 Released

Release Date: 2015-06-02 Build-IDs: Service 14.1.385, Client  Features All internal errors are now logged into the EventLog when “Event Warnings” are enabled in general options. Added Rule Date Conditions. By default a rule will always be processed. It can be set to only process messages generated since the installation or custom date.     […]

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