
What are your thoughts regarding current and potential rsyslog support channels?

Overview Traditionally the rsyslog community has sought and provided support through three main channels: mailing list forums ticketing system (at one time Bugzilla, now GitHub) Over the years, the community support options have shifted to the point that we are considering retiring the forums in order to best direct users that post there to other, […]

Help select a logo…

We need a new, a real logo. We have some candidates. Note that  logo 1 was originally contributed in 2014 by “robert s” (whom I no longer able to contact…). Unfortunately, we did never officially adopt it, primarily due to failure on my part. Nevertheless it got pretty popular on the Internet and is often associated […]

MonitorWare Agent 11.3c Released

Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug that caused the first dynamic property to be missing when using XML report format. This bug also affected the SETP Sender and the Syslog TCP File-Caching feature (%rawsyslogmsg% missing). You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent.

RSyslog Windows Agent 4.3c Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 4.3c release of Rsyslog Windows Agent. This release contains some a minor bugfix. Detailed information can be found in the version history below. Build-IDs: Service, Client Version 4.3c is a free download. Customers with existing 3.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have […]

EventReporter 15.3c Final (Build Service

Release Date: 2018-01-16 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug that caused the first dynamic property to be missing when using XML report format. This bug also affected the SETP Sender and the Syslog TCP File-Caching feature (%rawsyslogmsg% missing). You can download Free Trial Version of EventReporter.

WinSyslog 14.3c Final

Release Date: 2018-01-16 Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug that caused the first dynamic property to be missing when using XML report format. This bug also affected the SETP Sender and the Syslog TCP File-Caching feature (%rawsyslogmsg% missing). Build-IDs: Service, Client You can download Free Trial Version of WinSyslog.

RSyslog Windows Agent 4.3b Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 4.3b release of Rsyslog Windows Agent. This release contains some a minor bugfix. Detailed information can be found in the version history below. Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug related to the compressspace property replacer option that surfaced after recent stability changes. The bug stopped […]

rsyslog 8.32.0 (v8-stable) released

Today, we release rsyslog 8.32.0. This realease, again, sports a vast number of changes. E.g. there are a number of new or updated build requirements, namely: libfastjson 0.99.8, libczmq >= 3.0.2 and libcurl. Otherwise most notably is the major update that ompgsql has received through contribution. Other changes include modules like pmrfc3164, omhiredis, mmexternal, omprog, […]

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