
New Customer Service System Well-Received

The new customer service system is active now for over a week. The overall reception inside the user base is very well. Customers especially like the new mobile device mode and better HTML email integration. We continue to monitor and improve the customer experience. One thing we noticed was the the availability of the previous […]

New Customer Service System Activated

The new customer service system has been activated today. The majority of users use email to access the ticket system. For these users, the new system is now the default. This also applies to responses to messages sent from the previous system. That means when you reply by email, your message will be directed to […]

Moving to New Customer Service System

In the past couple of weeks we have implemented a new customer service system. While the current system works pretty well, it no doubt looks and feels “a bit” dated. The new system, among others, provides a much better experience on mobile devices (and small screens in general). Also attachment-handling and text formatting has been […]

rsyslog 8.1901.0 released

Today, we release rsyslog 8.1901.0. The most obvious change in this release is the version scheme. This has been changed to make it easier from us to immediately determine when a specific rsyslog version has been released. A more detailed description to the reasoning can be found on the following link:

rsyslog 8.39.0 (v8-stable) released

Today, we release rsyslog 8.39.0. This release again brings a lot of changes. Noteworthy are the improved truncation detection in imfile and a workaround for imjournals reloading behaviour. Other than that, the release also provides a lot of fixes for the queue subsystem, imrelp, imkafka, imudp, the gcry crypto provider, the rsyslog core and many […]

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