
RSyslog Windows Agent 3.2 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 3.2 release of RSyslog Windows Agent. This is a maintenenance release for RSyslog Windows Agent, which includes Features and bugfixes. There is a huge list of changes, but the most important is the enhanced support for file based configurations. Also inbuild components like OpenSSL and NetSNMP have been updated […]

rsyslog 8.17.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.17.0. This release brings, among a few bugfixes, a lot of brand-new features. The most important change is probably the libfastjson requirement, which replaces the json-c dependency. There is a new contributed plugin called omampq1 for AMQP 1.0 compliant brokers, a new experimental lookup table support, dynamic statistics counters and many […]

libfastjson 0.99.2 released

We have released libfastjson 0.99.2. This is a new fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing. The changes consist of a new API and compatibility with autoconf < 2.64. Changelog: 0.99.2 2016-03-07 – new API: json_object_get_member_count() – make comaptible with autoconf < 2.64 Download: sha256sum: 6ff053d455243a81014f37b4d81c746d9b8d40256a56326c3a7921c8bf458dfd As always, feedback is […]

rsyslog 8.16.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.16.0. This release is mostly a bugfixing release with fixes for impstats, omelasticsearch, imfile, ommail and many more. The biggest change however is the addition of the extraction support in rsgtutil for ksi support ( To get a full overview over the changes, please take a look at the Changelog. ChangeLog: […]

libfastjson 0.99.0 released

We have released libfastjson 0.99.0. This is a new fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing. More details are available here: rsyslog and liblognorm will switch to libfastjson as replacement for json-c Changelog: 0.99.0 2015-12-22 – bugfix: reference counting was not thread-safe Download: sha256sum: 5d19c39daaedfd9b335f6222b521e7529016bc11382cccebe41a9894d4ab32fd As always, feedback is appreciated. […]

rsyslog 8.15.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.15.0. This release sports a lot of changes. Among the changes are a lot of bugfixes, changes to the KSI support, pmciscoios, omkafka, 0mq modules, omelasticsearch and many more. To get a full overview over the changes, please take a look at the Changelog. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback […]

rsyslog 8.14.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.14.0. This is primarily a bug-fixing release with a couple of fixes for imfile and Rainerscript. Also the property engine has now a new property: rawmsg-after-pri. For more details, please take a look at the Changelog. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

rsyslog 8.13.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.13.0. This release sports a big number of changes. While most are bugfixes, there are also some additions to existing functionality, most notably the enhancements for ZeroMQ and Redis modules. For more details, please take a look at the Changelog. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, […]

rsyslog 8.12.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.12.0. This is primarily a bug-fixing release with a couple of improvements in omfile, imfile, GT/KSI, the testbench and many more. For more details, please take a look at the Changelog. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

Packages for newer Ubuntu versions

With the latest release of rsyslog (8.11.0) we have also introduced a new set of packages that we will produce from now on. We have now added rsyslog release packages for Ubuntu Utopic, Vivid and Wily to the list. Thus, you can now use the packages made by Adiscon on newer Ubuntu versions, too, even […]

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