
WinSyslog 15.1 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 15.1 release of WinSyslog. While this is a minor release, it offers considerable security improvements for syslog. Now, when TLS/SSL is configured, the user has full control over TLS options like ciphers, hashes and protocols. There are GUI settings for the most common options, but also the ability to […]

MonitorWare Agent 12.1 released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 12.1 release of MonitorWare Agent. While this is a minor release, it offers considerable security improvements for syslog. Now, when TLS/SSL is configured, the user has full control over TLS options like ciphers, hashes and protocols. There are GUI settings for the most common options, but also the ability […]

Support Forum Set to Read-Only Mode

Support forums have been a great way to communicate with users, but they have come out of style. Over the years, we have seen a steady decline in usage, and for the past couple of month postings have almost exclusively been spam. So we follow the trend and have set the forums to read-only mode. […]

New Logo Selected

The rsyslog community selected a new logo! The winner is logo 1, also shown here to the right. That logo won with an overwhelming majority, and lead the polls on the mailing list, our original logo selection post as well as a dedicated poll we created for easier and anonymous voting. The logo was originally […]

What are your thoughts regarding current and potential rsyslog support channels?

Overview Traditionally the rsyslog community has sought and provided support through three main channels: mailing list forums ticketing system (at one time Bugzilla, now GitHub) Over the years, the community support options have shifted to the point that we are considering retiring the forums in order to best direct users that post there to other, […]

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