
MonitorWare Agent 13.0 released

We are proud to announce the next major release of MonitorWare Agent, version 13. Most importantly this version fully supports Windows Server 2019, enhanced cross-platform and security support as well as provides even better performance. Windows Server 2019 is becoming main-stream in many data centers. The new version now fully supports the new Windows including […]

WinSyslog 16.0 Released

We are proud to announce the next major release of WinSyslog, version 16. Most importantly this version fully supports Windows Server 2019, enhanced cross-platform and a new mass deployment feature. Windows Server 2019 is becoming main-stream in many data centers. The new version now fully supports the new Windows including all updated libraries. Further ability […]

EventReporter 17.0 Released

We are proud to announce the next major release of EventReporter, version 17. Most importantly this version fully supports Windows Server 2019, enhanced cross-platform and mass deployment support as well as provides even better performance. Windows Server 2019 is becoming main-stream in many data centers. The new version now fully supports the new Windows including […]

RSyslog Windows Agent 5.2 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 5.2 release of Rsyslog Windows Agent. This is a maintenance release and properly the last for this major Version. We have hardened the Service code further and fixed multiple minor bugs. Full details are available via the version history. Version 5.2 is a free download. Customers with existing 4.x […]

WinSyslog 15.2 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 15.2 release of WinSyslog. This is a maintenance release and properly the last for this major Version. We have hardened the Service code further and fixed multiple minor bugs. Most important was an issue with static entries in the permitted peers list. For more detailed information see the version […]

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